Winter season is fast approaching, and that means you need to be prepared. However, winter preparedness means more than just grabbing a coat. Driving in the winter snow can be dangerous if you aren’t ready. Thankfully, you can take measures today to ensure your vehicle is primed for the ice-cold weather.

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Winter Preparedness Tips for Safe Driving

The changing seasons affect us all, but you can take simple measures to make sure your vehicle is ready for the mix of snow, sleet, freezing rain, wind, and frigid temperatures. It is important to make sure your car is prepared to limit the risk of a car accident. Here are a few winter preparedness tips you can take:

Check Your Tires

On the road, tires are your main defense against snow and ice. If you haven’t had your tires checked out in a while, it may be a good idea to do so before snow starts to fall. Also, after the first cold night, make sure to check your tire pressure. The changes in temperature can cause your tire pressure to fluctuate. You may also want to check the pressure of your spare tire.

Keep Emergency Items in the Car

It’s better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. Having essentials like a blanket, jacket, first aid kit, water, flashlight with extra batteries, shovel, jumper cables, nonperishable food, window scraper, and a portable air compressor could be important if you ever become stranded during a snowstorm.

winter preparedness vehicle emergency kit
<em><strong>Keeping the above items in your car could save you in an emergency | Photo<a href=httpswwwingovindot target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener> Indiana Department of Transportation<a><strong><em>

Replace Your Wiper Blades

If you haven’t replaced your wiper blades in a while, examine them thoroughly. Old and worn wiper blades can be a problem when driving in the winter because it can make it hard to see. You can examine your wipers by checking to see if they are straight and the rubber part isn’t worn out. If they are, replace them.

Check Your Battery

Extreme temperatures can affect your battery, so make sure it is clean, the connections are secure and not corroded. Testing older batteries is also strongly recommended.

Windshield Washer Fluid

Don’t wait until it’s too late, make sure you have enough washer fluid. During the winter months, salty roads mixed with slush can easily create a thick coating on your windshield. Wiper fluid is an effective tool for removing winter grime. If you use it often, it’s a good idea to keep a spare bottle in your trunk.

Is Your Vehicle Ready?

You can’t change the weather, but with some basic winter preparedness, you can be ready for it. Getting your vehicle ready for winter driving won’t only keep you and your passengers safe; it will keep others on the road safe as well.

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